Baby Home Sponsorship2024-10-19T19:47:39+00:00

LCC Baby Home

Godparent / Adopt-a-Cot Program


The LCC Baby Home opened its doors in August 2012. The Baby Home can house up to 30 babies in our care and we are excited about creating a loving home for these precious little ones and connecting them with a loving adoptive “forever family”. We are intentional about providing holistic care for our children which are guided by the principles of creating a family environment, forming meaningful relationships and providing an environment that is conducive for appropriate growth and development on all spheres. We see this Godparent/Adopt-a-Cot program as a special tool for helping us achieve this.


The Godparent fulfills the crucial role of family for the child in that they are intentional about investing emotionally into the child’s life. Although our staff are proactive about providing holistic care for all the children, we want each child to have their own individual family who is exclusively praying, emotionally investing and communicating with the child if needed. As the children leave with their new families, we hope that our Godparents will continue with the LCC family by committing to the next baby that comes to occupy that cot.


The way we see your relationship unfolding (especially as most relationships will be long distance) is that as the Godparent you would be praying purposefully for your Godchild’s first home and first “forever family”. You will receive a newsletter from Global Connections each year. Anytime there is news from Kenya about your Godchild you will receive that information.


As mentioned, we are intentional about the holistic growth and development of each child. This is how you can help in each area of growth:

  • Physical – Most of our children may experience some sort of developmental delay trauma involved with being abandoned or orphaned by their parents. By being part of the Godparent program you are assisting the home to financially operate and continue its therapy program, training of staff and effectively running the home.
  • Emotional – the training of staff and therapy programs is a crucial part of the home which will allow the children’s emotional needs to be addressed and met. Your emotional investment in the child will also go a long way in helping the child to form appropriate secure attachments, and most of all to know that they are loved.
  • Spiritual – Your Godchild needs specific, purposeful prayer. We trust that you will be proactive in praying for the specific needs of the child. When your newsletter is sent, we will be sure to add in any specific prayer requests. Some of which will include prayer for an adoptive family, health of the child, any concerns or challenges in regards to your godchild’s growth and development etc.
  • Social – As part of the child’s family your interactions with them as they grow will aid in their social development and will encourage them to feel part of a bigger family and give them a sense of belonging.


After you have decided you would like to be a part of the Baby Home Godparent sponsorship program, you will be sent a more detailed profile of the child’s history and any recent developments. The financial commitment is USD $100.00 monthly. The monies received from the Godparent program are put in a general fund to contribute to the operation of the home and all that it entails and creates a partnership between the Godparents and our organization which serves as a dependable financial foundation for the home.

The LCC Baby Home provides 24/7 care for the children which includes meals (formula and solid food), clothing, 24-hour staff care for the children, medical care, therapy, staff training and general overheads for running the home. We are asking that sponsors contribute $100/month. While we recognize this to be a large commitment, this amount is foundational but does not provide the total amount needed to cover the costs of each child.


Traditionally, the godparents were informally responsible for ensuring that the child’s religious education was carried out and for caring for the child should he/she be orphaned. Today the word ‘godparent’ may not have explicitly religious overtones. The modern view of a godparent tends to be an individual chosen by the parents to take an interest in the child’s upbringing and personal development.” (Wikipedia, Godparent)

We think this is an exceptional understanding of Godparents and it lends a bit of urgency…our children are orphaned or abandoned making your role of great importance!


1.Will my monthly costs increase?

We are positive the monthly cost of running the baby home will be affected by inflation. We know that inflation, food costs, and oil costs all directly affect our children and the cost to run the Home (much like running a family). Some children will have special needs which cannot be provided by the operational costs of the Centre. We will let you know of these economic increases. Our hope is that you will participate if possible, by increasing your monthly donation, but your relationship with your child is the most essential factor in this program and we would not want a monthly increase to interfere with it. Your monthly donation and investment in the babies allow the baby home to exist. We thank God for your involvement.

2. How is the money spent?

100% of your donation will go to the LCC Baby Home operational costs. Any monies donated in addition to the monthly commitment for specific needs of your child will go directly to the purpose for which it was donated. Global Connections does not deduct administrative expenses from your donation. This is true of all money donated with a specific designation through Global Connections. Also, money donated through Global Connections is tax deductible.

3. How do I contribute my monthly amount?

There are three ways to donate:

1)  Set up automatic withdrawals through our online donation page HERE. On this page you can designate for LCC baby home child sponsorship. You must select that you would like for this to be a recurring monthly donation.

2)  Automatic withdrawals set up by calling April in the Global Connections Office – 662.425.3317.

3)  We will accept checks that cover 6 months ($600) or 1 year ($1,200) of sponsorship. Checks should be made out to Global Connections with “baby home sponsorship program” in the subject line.

Please note: For administrative purposes we find recurring monthly donations, either online or by automatic withdrawal, to be the most effective way to keep up with accounting.

LCC Baby Home Godparent program summary:

Our role:

  • Annual updates and pictures of your baby and any other information as is received will be forward to you.
  • Daily operations of the Baby Home.

Your role:

  • Consistent prayer for your child and their adoptive family
  • $100.00/month to help fund the operations of the Baby Home.

Thank you for coming alongside us and our kids as we hope, pray and work for a better tomorrow.

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